
Institute of Bioenergetic Analysis of São Paulo – IABSP

IABSP (Instituto de Análise Bioenergética de São Paulo) was founded in December, 1989, in Salvador, Bahia, during a workshop presented by Alexander Lowen, creator of Bioenergetic Analysis. The following people also took part of the workshop: the American International Trainer Frank Hladky and the IABSP Director, Liane Zink.

Bioenergetic Analysis , created and developed from 1953 on, by Alexander Lowen, is based on the theoretical foundations of Wilhelm Reich – Sigmund Freud disciple – that has stood up for his psychoanalytical works and his pioneer researches in Biology, Physics, Politics and Anthropology.

According to Reich and Lowen, every person´s story is stored at the body structure. Every experience one has lived, the impact of early childhood relationships and the physical and emotional traumas are stored and kept within the body as chronic muscular tension.

The further Lowen worked on Reichian ideas, the more he produced new concepts, such as Character Analysis. He developed the theoretical basis for the unfolding of bodyworks, eventually creating Bioenergetic Analysis (LOWEN, 2004).

This kind of psychotherapy deals with the biological basis of neuroses and focuses biological processes related to health as well as to the energy feeding them (the biological processes). In other words, this kind of psychotherapy is grounded in the functional identity thesis. Based on those foundations, the Bioenergetic Analysis offers the Psychologist an additional support to the analytical work, using exercises and techniques that allow the client to reach a deep comprehension of his/her emotional state, release tension patterns and change the way they relate to themselves and the world.

Working with psychotics Bioenergetics helps yet to build up autonomy, and the ability to be in touch with others.



Brazilian Biosynthesis Institute in São Paulo

David Boadella was Born in July, 6, 1931, in London. He graduated in Embryology and Neuropsychology from Open University and has a Master Degree in Education.

His interest in the human body began back in 1952 when he was introduced to the work of Wilhelm Reich. And that was when he started his researches on body and emotion.

By the end of 1960’s, two developing models emerged from the Reichian work: Gerda Boyesen Biodynamic Psychology, in Oslo; and Alexander Lowen and John Pierrakos Bioenergetic Analysis, in New York. Boadella actively took part in those fields, either as a researcher and a therapist.

His therapeutic approach, throughout the years, has been influenced by his personal experience, such as the birth of his kids, the thought of Reichian followers and also professionals, related to embryology and intrauterine life.

The most important professional influence was Stanley Keleman, who read the unique qualities of a person and started to study Emotional Anatomy. Another one was the psychoanalyst Francis Mott in his prenatal and perinatal studies. The name Biosynthesis was first used by him. Mott’s work has been expanded and developed by Frank Lake in England. Lake researched prenatal psychology and primal integration.

During the 1970’s, David starts to develop the theoretical approach of Biosynthesis, that means integration of life. Integration of three primary embryological germ layers (endoderm, mesoderm and ectoderm).

Boadella develops a psychotherapeutic work that deals with rebalance, organization and integration, concerning physics, emotion and spirit, harmonizing three embryonic layers: ectoderm (mind and reason), endoderm (feelings and guts) and mesoderm (action/muscles and bones).

Even organisms that have no brain tissue or nervous system are sensitive to the environment and have influence upon it. In primal embryonic stages, there are deep experiences that will remain recorded in the memories of the developing body. Therefore, Biosynthesis comprehends humans since their conception.

Thus, those are the three areas of the human being experience and expression that will keep records until death.

Visit the website of the Brazilian Institute of Biosynthesis

AMMA Psyche and Blackness Institute

God AMMA, African entity responsible for the divine breath and the original verb; spiral of creation and expansion of the world.

For various groups from Black Africa, the spiral represents the power of creation, life’s dynamic, circular movement in continuous evolution and expansion.

Instituto AMMA Psique e Negritude (AMMA Psyche and Blackness Institute) was created out this concept, in September, 1995. This nonprofit organization was founded by a group of black Psychologists: Maria Lúcia da Silva, Marilza de Souza Martins, Silvia Souza and Ana Maria Silva. The four of them engaged in treating emotional wounds and traumas caused by racism, discrimination and prejudice.

AMMA Institute’s purpose is to provide black people self-knowledge, as well as consciousness of their own potential, bringing back self-esteem and identity. Another purpose is to reinforce respect for the differences, establishing positive and transforming human relationships.

AMMA intends to approach the complex inter-ethnic racial relations, especially those that take place among phenotypically different populations, from a psychosocial, clinical, educational and organizational point of view. The Institute understands that many representations living in Brazilian imaginary have been build up from racist ideas that keep reproducing, causing serious consequences to black people’s psychical health.

In 2006, AMMA Institute won the Franz de Castro Holzwarth Human Rights Award, granted by the Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil (Brazilian Bar Association) – Seção SP, in the Honorable Mention category.

AMMA’s current staff is the Psychologists Maria Lúcia da Silva, Marilza de Souza Martins, Jussara Dias, Maria Aparecida Miranda, Maria Cristina Francisco, Clélia Prestes; and the Psychiatrist and Psychoanalyst Marisa Correa da Silva.

Visit the website of the AMMA Institute Psyche and Negritude