Institute of Bioenergetic Analysis of São Paulo – IABSP

IABSP (Instituto de Análise Bioenergética de São Paulo) was founded in December, 1989, in Salvador, Bahia, during a workshop presented by Alexander Lowen, creator of Bioenergetic Analysis. The following people also took part of the workshop: the American International Trainer Frank Hladky and the IABSP Director, Liane Zink.

Bioenergetic Analysis , created and developed from 1953 on, by Alexander Lowen, is based on the theoretical foundations of Wilhelm Reich – Sigmund Freud disciple – that has stood up for his psychoanalytical works and his pioneer researches in Biology, Physics, Politics and Anthropology.

According to Reich and Lowen, every person´s story is stored at the body structure. Every experience one has lived, the impact of early childhood relationships and the physical and emotional traumas are stored and kept within the body as chronic muscular tension.

The further Lowen worked on Reichian ideas, the more he produced new concepts, such as Character Analysis. He developed the theoretical basis for the unfolding of bodyworks, eventually creating Bioenergetic Analysis (LOWEN, 2004).

This kind of psychotherapy deals with the biological basis of neuroses and focuses biological processes related to health as well as to the energy feeding them (the biological processes). In other words, this kind of psychotherapy is grounded in the functional identity thesis. Based on those foundations, the Bioenergetic Analysis offers the Psychologist an additional support to the analytical work, using exercises and techniques that allow the client to reach a deep comprehension of his/her emotional state, release tension patterns and change the way they relate to themselves and the world.

Working with psychotics Bioenergetics helps yet to build up autonomy, and the ability to be in touch with others.

